Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

A Heat Transfer Textbook - Third Edition.pdf
February 16, 2009 · Filed Under Mechanical & Industrial Engineering · 2 Comments · Tags: Handbook, Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, Reference
Taken from Introduction: People have always understood that something flows from hot objects to cold ones. We call that flow heat. In the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, scientists imagined that all bodies contained an invisible fluid which they called caloric. Caloric was assigned a variety of properties, some of which proved to be inconsistent with nature (e.g., it had weight and it could not be created nor destroyed). But its most important feature was that it flowed from hot bodies into cold ones. It was a very useful way to think about heat. Later we shall explain the flow of heat in terms more satisfactory to the modern ear; however, it will seldom be wrong to imagine caloric flowing from a hot body to a cold one.
The flow of heat is all-pervasive. It is active to some degree or another in everything. Heat flows constantly from your bloodstream to the air around you. The warmed air buoys off your body to warm the room you are in. If you leave the room, some small buoyancy-driven (or convective) motion of the air will continue because the walls can never be perfectly isothermal. Such processes go on in all plant and animal life and in the air around us. They occur throughout the earth, which is hot at its core and cooled around its surface. The only conceivable domain free from heat flow would have to be isothermal and totally isolated from any other region. It would be “dead” in the fullest sense of the word - devoid of any process of any kind.

The General Problem of Heat Exchange
1 Introduction [ 1.1 Heat transfer ~ 1.2 Relation of heat transfer to thermodynamics ~ 1.3 Modes of heat transfer ~ 1.4 A look ahead ~ 1.5 Problems ]
2 Heat conduction concepts, thermal resistance, and the overall heat transfer coefficient [ 2.1 The heat diffusion equation ~ 2.2 Solutions of the heat diffusion equation ~ 2.3 Thermal resistance and the electrical analogy ~ 2.4 Overall heat transfer coefficient, U ~ 2.5 Summary ]
3 Heat exchanger design [ 3.1 Function and configuration of heat exchangers ~ 3.2 Evaluation of the mean temperature difference in a heat exchanger ~ 3.3 Heat exchanger effectiveness ~ 3.4 Heat exchanger design ]
II Analysis of Heat Conduction
4 Analysis of heat conduction and some steady one-dimensional problems

[ 4.1 the well-posed problem ~ 4.2 The general solution ~ 4.3 Dimensional analysis ~ 4.4 An illustration of dimensional analysis in a complex steady conduction problem ~ 4.5 Fin design ]
5 Transient and multidimensional heat conduction [ 5.1 Introduction ~ 5.2 Lumped-capacity solutions ~ 5.3 Transient conduction in a one-dimensional slab ~ 5.4 Temperature-response charts ~ 5.5 One-term solutions ~ 5.6 Transient heat conduction to a semi-infinite region ~ 5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction ~ 5.8 Transient multidimensional heat conduction ]
III Convective Heat Transfer
6 Laminar and turbulent boundary layers [ 6.1 Some introductory ideas ~ 6.2 Laminar incompressible boundary layer on a flat surface ~ 6.3 The energy equation ~ 6.4 The Prandtl number and the boundary layer thicknesses ~ 6.5 Heat transfer coefficient for laminar, incompressible flow over a flat surface ~ 6.6 The Reynolds analogy ~ 6.7 Turbulent boundary layers ~ 6.8 Heat transfer in turbulent boundary layers ]
7 Forced convection In a variety of configurations [ 7.1 Introduction ~ 7.2 Heat transfer to and from laminar flows in pipes ~ 7.3 Turbulent pipe flow ~ 7.4 Heat transfer surface viewed as a heat exchanger ~ 7.3 heat transfer coefficients for noncircular ducts ~ 7.6 Heat transfer during cross flow over cylinders ~ 7.7 Other configurations ]
8 Natural convection in single-phase fluids and during film condensation [ 8.1 Scope ~ 8.2 The nature of the problems of film condensation and of natural convection ~ 8.3 Laminar natural convection on a vertical isothermal surface ~ 8.4 Natural convection in other situations ~ 8.5 Film condensation ]
9 Heat transfer In boiling and other phase-change configurations [ 9.1 Nukiyama's experiment and the pool boiling curve ~ 9.2 Nucleate boiling ~ 9.3 Peak pool boiling heat flux ~ 9.4 Film boiling ~ 9.5 Minimum heat flux ~ 9.6 Transition boiling and system influences ~ 9.7 Forced convection boiling in tubes ~ 9.8 Forced convective condensation heat transfer ~ 9.9 Dropwise condensation ~ 9.10 The heat pipe ]
IV Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer
10 Radiative heat transfer [ 10.1 The problem of radiative exchange ~ 10.2 Kirchhoff's law ~ 10.3 Radiant heat exchange between two finite black bodies ~ 10.4 heat transfer among gray bodies ~ 10.5 Gaseous radiation ~ 10.6 Solar energy ]

V Mass Transfer
11 An introduction to mass transfer
[ 11.1 Introduction ~ 11.2 Mixture compositions and species fluxes ~ 11.3 Diffusion fluxes and Fick's law ~ 11.4 Transport properties of mixtures ~ 11.5 The equation of species conservation ~ 11.6 Mass transfer at low rates ~ 11.7 Steady mass transfer with counterdiffusion ~ 11.8 Mass transfer coefficients at high rates of mass transfer ~ 11.9 Simultaneous heat and mass transfer ]
VI Appendices
A Some thermophysical properties of selected materials
B Units and conversion factors
C Nomenclature Citation Index Subject Index

This book is an introduction to heat and mass transfer oriented toward engineering students, written by John H. Lienhard IV, Professor, University of Houston & John H. Lienhard V, Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Available free to download via MIT Website.
Please note that this material is copyrighted under U.S. Copyright Law. The authors grant you the right to download and print it for your personal use or for non-profit instructional use. Any other use, including copying, distributing or modifying the work for commercial purposes, is subject to the restrictions of U.S. Copyright Law and the Berne International Copyright Convention.


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